If you have a problem or complaint against a member of the NCCA, the Association is able to act as an independent arbitration service, up to solicitor level.
Firstly, please ensure that the company in question is a registered NCCA member. Be sure to check that the company name and contact information are the same. If the company is not a member, please contact your local Trading Standards office or Citizens Advice for further assistance.
Please be aware – the jurisdiction of the National Carpet Cleaners Association is limited to carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, hard floors, curtains, leather and soft furnishings. Our members may provide services outside of these fields which unfortunately do not fall under our remit. In these cases, we will be unable to provide the standard arbitration service.
Before proceeding with a formal complaint we do recommend that you contact the member in question and inform them of the problem and reason for your complaint. In most cases, members will be able to resolve a complaint before we need to get involved.
Still unresolved? Please provide a full report of the situation using the form below: