4 Carpet Cleaning Business Tips from the Experts
As the only nationally recognised carpet cleaning trade association, it’s fair to say the NCCA knows the carpet cleaning industry like the back of our hands. That means we have a few nuggets of wisdom for ambitious carpet cleaning businesses.
Read on for four carpet cleaning business tips that won’t let you down.
1. Invest your time in training
You can’t set yourself up as a professional carpet cleaner on a whim. There are a lot of aspects of the business that require in-depth knowledge and experience.
Investing in proper training and certification will enable you to keep up to date with the latest industry practices. By having recognised qualifications, you will also give potential customers reassurance and confidence in your ability to deliver great results.
The NCCA runs training courses to help our members grow their businesses. Popular courses include:
- Advanced Spot and Stain Removal
- Marketing Training
- Stress Management for Small Business Owners
- Improving your Sales Success
2. Prioritise payment
No matter how much you may love what you do, good business owners know how important the bottom line is. Working hard, having a chat and a cuppa and developing good customer relationships is all well and good – but at the end of the day, don’t let payments slide.
It’s surprising the number of transactions that don’t have terms of payment set out clearly. To avoid confusion and late payments, make sure that you have a firm policy for customers paying on time.
Submit invoices at the earliest opportunity to dissuade customers from delaying payment. Another great piece of advice is to consider online accounting software, which will undoubtedly make your life a lot easier.
3. Don’t offer too many services
Another of our carpet cleaning business tips is about what you do for customers. You could be tempted to offer numerous services to attract more business. But if you provide carpet cleaning, rug maintenance, upholstery cleaning, hard floor cleaning, oven cleaning, exterior cleaning, housework, pram cleaning or any number of other areas, you’re running the risk of becoming a jack of all trades and master of none.
Ultimately, customers tend to prefer specialists who excel in their chosen field. So, instead of trying to cover every cleaning service, consider focusing on a few key areas where you can truly shine and deliver outstanding customer satisfaction.
4. Take full advantage of NCCA membership
If you have a professional carpet cleaning business or are thinking of setting one up, becoming a member of the National Carpet Cleaners’ Association (NCCA) is sure to help. Membership will provide you with a full range of training courses and an opportunity to network with others in the industry. Not to mention being seen as an NCCA-trusted carpet cleaner.
So, if you’re hoping to promote your business to the right target audience on the best platform – consider NCCA membership. With a dedicated members area, our website will point you in the right direction and help your business thrive. To find out more, simply call our friendly, experienced team on 01562 547754 or email at, admin@ncca.co.uk .