How to Remove Coffee Stains from Carpet
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How to Remove Coffee Stains from Carpet

There's nothing better than a relaxing coffee in the living room – until that coffee ends up on the carpet! Spilling coffee can feel like you've ruined your carpet, but luckily, there are many ways to fix the problem. Read on as we discuss how to remove coffee stains from carpet.

Fresh coffee spills

As with most liquid spillages, you should deal with a coffee spill as quickly as possible. This is because coffee is very good at dying fabric, so it is likely to stain, especially if you have light carpets.

The first thing you need to do is blot the area with a cloth or towel, to collect as much liquid as possible. You should also dilute the spilled coffee with cold water, then continue blotting it. You'll know that you've got as much out as you can when blotting doesn't change the colour of your cloth any more.

Dried coffee stains

Once coffee has set in, it's more difficult to remove it from your carpet. However, it's not impossible.

First, loosen the stain with warm water. You then need to blot it with a wet cloth. Make sure that you blot using inward motions, to avoid spreading the stain.

You can then mix two cups of water, one cup of white vinegar and one tablespoon of dish soap to create a stain remover. Use a sponge to apply this mixture to the area, then blot it dry. You can repeat this as many times as you need to.

Hire a professional carpet cleaner

In truth, DIY methods of removing coffee stains from carpets generally have limited results. Coffee is a really tricky stain to deal with on carpets, so you’ll need the very best methods, equipment and cleaning solutions to get rid of it.

If you’re wondering how to remove coffee stains from carpet, the National Carpet Cleaning Association (NCCA) can help. We have a directory of professional carpet cleaners with the expertise and experience to get coffee out of your carpet. Every NCCA-accredited cleaner is insured, experienced and follows our code of conduct.

Search our directory for trusted local carpet cleaners.

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