How to Remove Mould from Carpet
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How to Remove Mould from Carpet

Mould is a common household problem. The humid British climate is a perfect environment for mould to breed, making it difficult to prevent and remove. Mould thrives in damp, humid environments, and carpets, as with other types of soft furnishings, provide an ideal breeding ground when exposed to moisture.

How to remove mould from carpet

First of all, make sure that you have appropriate safety gear. You’ll need to wear safety gloves, goggles and a mask to ensure that the mould spores don't harm you.

Next, ventilate the room with the mouldy carpet and isolate it from other areas of your house. You can do this by opening your windows but closing internal doors. If this isn't possible, you can cover mould-free carpets with plastic sheets to protect them.

You can then use a stiff brush to remove visible mould. If your vacuum has a HEPA filter, you can use it to vacuum up spores. However, beware that these spores can live in your vacuum and spread around your house.

The next step is to use something to kill the mould. Do not use bleach, as this can damage your carpet. More importantly, some moulds create toxic gases when mixed with bleach. Instead, use a stain remover that is marked as useable on mould. You can also try using white vinegar and baking soda.

After that, you need to allow your carpet to dry. If you used the white vinegar and baking soda method, the mixture can be blotted away with water. Make sure that you do not soak your carpet with water, but use a damp cloth to dab the area.

How to prevent mould on carpet

There are invisible spores all around us all the time. As long as they don't get the right conditions, it won't necessarily turn into mould.

Dehumidifiers and air purifiers

Moisture is the biggest cause of mould. By using devices that control the humidity in your home, you can keep mould at bay. Air purifiers help to contain the spores, minimising the amount around your home.

You can buy electric devices that plug in. Some will both dehumidify and purify your air. You can also get moisture absorbers that don't require electricity.

Deal with spills immediately

Spills happen all the time, no matter how careful we are. It's important that you use something absorbent to soak it up as soon as it happens. If you don't, it can travel deep into your carpet and become trapped there, making the perfect environment for mould.

Avoid DIY deep cleaning

Deep cleaning your carpet without the right equipment or know-how can leave carpets wet for too long. This provides a paradise for mould, especially in colder weather when it takes even longer to dry.

Hire a professional carpet cleaner

Mould can be difficult to combat if you're inexperienced. Search the National Carpet Cleaning Association member directory to find qualified, experienced carpet cleaners that can tackle mould for you. They will tackle it safely, avoiding risk for you and your household.

Find accredited carpet cleaners near you to get started.

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