Factotum Ltd: New Corporate Member
Introducing new Corporate Member, Factotum.
"In an industry where consumers have easy access to lists of online or offline competitor adverts, it has never been more important to answer the phone punctually and professionally.
Calls going to voicemail, diverted to mobile or answered unprofessionally are simply not good business practice as the impulse attitude is to not leave a message and or to call the next service provider…. and another opportunity is missed!
Factotum provides personalised telephone answering services that work in partnership with your business, effectively fulfilling the role of a virtual employee, but without the costs and implications of employing staff.
From sole traders to NHS Trusts, Factotum has been providing service to businesses for 15+ years, including a number of NCCA members who see Factotum an essential factor within their business success. It is that experience together with NCCA’s quality control and market research activities that has resulted in the NCCA selecting Factotum to provide an exclusive telephone answering service for members.
When handing over your business calls to someone else you need to be confident they are 100% professional, capable of using their own initiative, and know how to use good old fashioned common sense! Factotum prides itself on being part of your business, managing your calls with the care and attention to detail you would expect from a member of your team.
From the outset, Factotum spends time getting to know and understand you, your business and customers before creating call handling protocols to meet your specific needs. The result being that every call is answered promptly and professionally and managed in line with your instructions leaving you free to focus on working without interruptions, yet confident that this element of your business is in safe and professional hands.
Depending on members requirements and budget, members can now access a choice of 2 services, NCCA Virtual and NCCA Virtual Plus.
NCCA Virtual provides call management to include up to 6 information field such as who, where, why and contact details with calls either transferred or the information forwarded by email or SMS. The cost is £29.95 per month including the 1st 20 calls with additional calls charged at 98p.
NCCA Virtual Plus collects additional information as required and or an online diary for £34.95 and includes the 1st 20 calls with additional calls charged at £1.67 to reflect longer duration calls."
For further details see Factotum Ltd.